Wednesday, June 25, 2008

student small groups

I'm so amazed at God's perfect plan. His willingness to use imperfect humans to express his love to the next generation. Chad and I meet with 12 students on Tues. night in our home. This group of high schoolers have been a huge encouragement to me. They are so willing to be transparent about their lives. They discuss the scripture with such passion. They are eager and hungry to draw close to God. Each week has been a unique experience that I find myself savoring every moment of. I have seen them worship God and be moved to tears. They have reached out to hurting kids in the group. They offer each other encouragement and accountability. This group is the base group that our small group ministry will be founded on in the Fall. In Sept we will launch small groups to student ministry. We will all meet together for food, worship, and an intro to the lesson. Then we will break into our small groups which will be student led by the 12.

1 comment:

Jmart84 said...

You know... It hadn't occured to me before, but I do find it interestingly concidential that there are 12 students, rather than any other number.

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